Before picking up a new pair of sunglasses, it is important to determine you face shape. Why? Because a style that looks great on a guy with an oblong face, won't complement a square face in quite the same way. Many people wrongly picked their glasses over their actual face shape. To determine your face shape, check out below.

Step 1: The Right Tools
Having a hard time thinking of the right tool for measuring your face shape? What about a builder’s tape measure? Come on! It is just a flexible tape measure, like the kind used by a tailor or your mother. Then, grab a notebook and take the following measurements in front of a mirror or ask a friend to help you, recording each as you go.

Step 2: Measure Your Forehead
In order to work out which face shape you have, you need to find out which parts are long, which ones are short or whether they’re actually all the same. The forehead is a good place to start, so measure across the widest part – this is usually around halfway between your eyebrows and your hairline.

Step 3: Measure Your Cheekbones
Follow the corner of your eyes down and you'll find your cheekbones. Measure from the pointiest part of each cheekbone to the other.

Step 4: Measure Your Jawline
Measure from the tip of your chin to below your ear at the point at which your jaw angles upwards. Of course, you have a jaw on both sides of your face, so multiply that number by two to get your jawline length.

Step 5: Measure Your Face Length
To find out the length of your face, run the tape measure from the center of your hairline to the tip of your chin.

Once you’ve got these measurements, note which is the largest of the four as this will be the giveaway. Compare your stats to the profiles below to see which best describes your face shape.
1.) Oval: Face length is greater than the width of the cheekbones, and forehead is greater than the jawline. The angle of the jaw is rounded rather than sharp.

2.) Square: All measurements are fairly similar. The angle of the jaw is sharp rather than rounded.

3.) Rectangle/Oblong: Face length is the greatest measurement. Forehead, cheekbones, and jawline are similar in size.

4.) Round: Cheekbones and face length have a similar measurement. They are larger than forehead and jawline, which also have a similar measurement. The angle of the jaw is soft and much less defined.

5.) Diamond: Face length measures largest. Then, in descending order: cheekbones, forehead, and smallest are jawline. The chin is pointed.

6.) Heart: Forehead measures greater than the cheekbones and jawline. The chin is pointed.

7.) Triangular: Jawline measures greater than cheekbones, which measure larger than forehead.